It is with much Regret that I regret to announce the Announcement that I will, indeed, unfortunately, no longer be able to write, or, indeed, publish this Blog. "What, pray tell, might be the reason for this remarkable, and, furthermore, if I may say so, highly significant disclosure?", you might be thinking. Or, if you're in a hurry, "Why?"
The reason, I can reveal, is revealed in this post by the Exile. He states that, with his customary, and, indeed, furthermore, characteristic, ability to read, he was aware of my Identity some time ago, but chose not to Unmask PM Dawn because this blog, due, if I may so so, to its Hardhitting, and, dare I say it, again, Hardhitting approach, was providing his own blog with valuable links. And as he says, links are like shags, and he gets very few of either.
But now that the Cat is out of the Bag of Spilled Beans, I must, regrettably, announce with regret that this blog will, from now on, cease, forthwith and from now on, an Announcement which I very much regret. The only question remaining is this: Is it not now not time not to hit PM Dawn with the Full Force of the Law? I fear that it is, indeed not now not.
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Time to hit Kamm with the full Force of the Law
Neil Clark - the Best British Blogger in Britain - makes an excellent Point in the comments to this Post about the Campaign against him by Mr Oliver Kamm:
The blogger in question has printed a series of untrue and defamatory statements about with with the express purpose of jeopardising my journalistic career...Do you think this is acceptable behaviour, which ought to be simply ignored? Or do you think, as I do, that those responsible for such clear harassment, should face the full legal consequences?
I suggest the Latter, and I look forward to seeing "those responsible" facing "the full legal consequences". To do otherwise, to allow such Harrassment to continue, is, in my, humble, opinion, to admit defeat; to, indeed, admit that such Harrassment is, indeed, somehow justified as "fair comment" or as "facts". Only a swift Prosecution and Conviction of the "blogger in question" will suffice, and I trust that such will, indeed, be forthcoming.
The blogger in question has printed a series of untrue and defamatory statements about with with the express purpose of jeopardising my journalistic career...Do you think this is acceptable behaviour, which ought to be simply ignored? Or do you think, as I do, that those responsible for such clear harassment, should face the full legal consequences?
I suggest the Latter, and I look forward to seeing "those responsible" facing "the full legal consequences". To do otherwise, to allow such Harrassment to continue, is, in my, humble, opinion, to admit defeat; to, indeed, admit that such Harrassment is, indeed, somehow justified as "fair comment" or as "facts". Only a swift Prosecution and Conviction of the "blogger in question" will suffice, and I trust that such will, indeed, be forthcoming.
Kamm dares to Criticise Links
An email from Mr Oliver Kamm suggests that I should beware of linking to The Exile, as a result of this post offering footage of a "sex video" involving a Character by the name of Amy Fisher. No doubt Mr Kamm believes that this somehow constitutes evidence of the Exile's "squalor", "foulness", "loathsome, drooling slavering and sick voyeurism", and his "filthy, ugly, fat repellent perving". No doubt Mr Kamm might believe this.
No doubt he believes that the Exile is an ugly and gross Pornographer, with a grotesque visage, squalid morals and a wholly repellent personality. No doubt he believes this. But is Kamm, really, in any position to Judge? This is a man who links to Christopher Hitchens, to Harry's Place, to Nick Cohen and to Norman Geras. All, without exception, cheerleaders for Neocon Imperialism. In such Circumstances, can he really claim the High Ground? I think not.
No doubt he believes that the Exile is an ugly and gross Pornographer, with a grotesque visage, squalid morals and a wholly repellent personality. No doubt he believes this. But is Kamm, really, in any position to Judge? This is a man who links to Christopher Hitchens, to Harry's Place, to Nick Cohen and to Norman Geras. All, without exception, cheerleaders for Neocon Imperialism. In such Circumstances, can he really claim the High Ground? I think not.
Friday, 23 November 2007
Many Unhappy Returns
I Note that Harry's Place, the self-styled home of the so-called "Decent Left", is congratulating itself on reaching its fifth birthday. No less a personage than "Harry" himself notes that its "early days were very different times with a genuinely friendly rapport amongst bloggers of varying political allegiances". This may, indeed, have been the case, until you, Sir, led the Stampede into Mesopotamia, at which point all Decent people - as opposed to those, who, scandalously, affect to claim such Mantle - arrived at the conclusion that this rapport was, and, indeed, remains, one rapport too far.
Scarcely believably, he adds, with scarcely believable pride, that "Five years ago it was just me - then Marcus got involved, Gene signed up and later David T and Brownie came online. Later still, Gordon and Brett and Wardytron and Graham began posting". As though such a dubious assembly is somehow worthy of our admiration! David T, for one, is a notorious Islamophobe; Gene, as has been well documented, is an uncritical cheerleader for Israel's Neocon regime; and "Wardytron", worst of all, is a flippant and vapid waste of Bandwidth. Why this oaf is permitted to post on any blog is quite beyond my comprehension.
Nevertheless, one happy conclusion does, indeed, present itself. Namely, that Harry's Place is unlikely to last another five years. Fortunately, there are plenty of other blogs to fill the void vacated by this wholly unpleasant, noxious entity.
Scarcely believably, he adds, with scarcely believable pride, that "Five years ago it was just me - then Marcus got involved, Gene signed up and later David T and Brownie came online. Later still, Gordon and Brett and Wardytron and Graham began posting". As though such a dubious assembly is somehow worthy of our admiration! David T, for one, is a notorious Islamophobe; Gene, as has been well documented, is an uncritical cheerleader for Israel's Neocon regime; and "Wardytron", worst of all, is a flippant and vapid waste of Bandwidth. Why this oaf is permitted to post on any blog is quite beyond my comprehension.
Nevertheless, one happy conclusion does, indeed, present itself. Namely, that Harry's Place is unlikely to last another five years. Fortunately, there are plenty of other blogs to fill the void vacated by this wholly unpleasant, noxious entity.
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Case Closed
Literally within minutes of my post on my Comments Policy I receive this, revealing, response:
What, so we can point out what a fucking bunch of lunatics you, Lindsay and Clark are? Not that I blame you and Lindsay particularly, you're just a pair of green ink nobodies hunched over your keyboards in the small hours pretending you somehow amount to a sodding movement, you bloody fools.
Clark's the real prick though, he thinks that by rigging a meaningless award nobody in their right mind has actually heard of he's somehow become someone of consequence, when he's just a laughing stock whose chance of ever being a real journalist came and went years ago and now his only friend is that wanker Ken Bell. Fuck the lot of you.
These people do, indeed, Condemn themselves with their own Mouths.
What, so we can point out what a fucking bunch of lunatics you, Lindsay and Clark are? Not that I blame you and Lindsay particularly, you're just a pair of green ink nobodies hunched over your keyboards in the small hours pretending you somehow amount to a sodding movement, you bloody fools.
Clark's the real prick though, he thinks that by rigging a meaningless award nobody in their right mind has actually heard of he's somehow become someone of consequence, when he's just a laughing stock whose chance of ever being a real journalist came and went years ago and now his only friend is that wanker Ken Bell. Fuck the lot of you.
These people do, indeed, Condemn themselves with their own Mouths.
Lindsay Silenced?
Very worrying Developments on David Lindsay's blog:
David, sorry to post off-topic, but why on earth has your blog been blocked by computers in government departments? I can get it at home, but at work I just get a page that says "this website is not appropriate". I can get other blogs - just not yours. What makes your blog so dangerous? Or inappropriate?
A commenter writes:
The sad truth is that this sort of psyops is increasingly commonplace. What the PNAC crowd try to do is to discredit somebody by suggesting that they are extremists: even though they are the true subversives who have hijacked the US State. They also try to make you appear to be mentally ill, which they do by simulating the symptoms in you, so discredit you.
This is what they did to David Shayler, and remember, he was originally one of them.
The way that they are able to control the computer system is by use of Muslims, who often work in IT companies. They think that they are working for their militant Islamic goals, but they are just being manipulated by well placed people whose allegiance to the CPGB Straight Left faction is as strong as ever.
I have no way of knowing whether all, or, indeed, any, of this, is, indeed, true, but we do know that the Neocons are perfectly capable of all, or, indeed, any, of this. Indeed, I, myself, have experience of such matters, having had comments on the Neocon blog Harry's Place edited, altered and, indeed, deleted altogether. We must remain on our guard, but expect more of this.
David, sorry to post off-topic, but why on earth has your blog been blocked by computers in government departments? I can get it at home, but at work I just get a page that says "this website is not appropriate". I can get other blogs - just not yours. What makes your blog so dangerous? Or inappropriate?
A commenter writes:
The sad truth is that this sort of psyops is increasingly commonplace. What the PNAC crowd try to do is to discredit somebody by suggesting that they are extremists: even though they are the true subversives who have hijacked the US State. They also try to make you appear to be mentally ill, which they do by simulating the symptoms in you, so discredit you.
This is what they did to David Shayler, and remember, he was originally one of them.
The way that they are able to control the computer system is by use of Muslims, who often work in IT companies. They think that they are working for their militant Islamic goals, but they are just being manipulated by well placed people whose allegiance to the CPGB Straight Left faction is as strong as ever.
I have no way of knowing whether all, or, indeed, any, of this, is, indeed, true, but we do know that the Neocons are perfectly capable of all, or, indeed, any, of this. Indeed, I, myself, have experience of such matters, having had comments on the Neocon blog Harry's Place edited, altered and, indeed, deleted altogether. We must remain on our guard, but expect more of this.
A Declaration on Comment Policy
Following a number of comments on this blog hostile to the Aims and Goals of the British People's Alliance, the excellent David Lindsay has suggested that I moderate Comments. With the Utmost of respect to David, I must respectfully disagree. My reasons are as follows:
I have indeed considered comment moderation, but have decided against it on two grounds: firstly, that we live under a Government - if one can, indeed, dignify this tawdry Junta with that Proper Noun - of Unprecedented control-freakery; and, therefore, that any attempt to diminish or limit the Freedom of the Individual must be resisted.
Secondly, in the case of the Liars and Neocons of the Blogosphere, I believe that allowing them to state openly their beliefs, or, indeed, to perpetrate Falsehoods which they know to be untrue, will, ultimately, work against them. We should not be "frit" of letting them air their views, for it is by these views with which they will, ultimately, be Damned.
Indeed, we should welcome their "contributions" to our blogs; for their own, as we know, are mostly feeble and little-read affairs. Those that once boasted a significant readership, such as Harry's Place, are rapidly losing readers to blogs such as David's own, and before long there will be few people aware of how noxious these people truly are. By allowing them to post comments, we are, I believe, condemning them to Hang on their own Petard.
For these Reasons, I Pledge never to Censor or delete comments on this Blog. Would that Our Governing Masters held such Respect for our Rights as Free-born Englishmen.
I have indeed considered comment moderation, but have decided against it on two grounds: firstly, that we live under a Government - if one can, indeed, dignify this tawdry Junta with that Proper Noun - of Unprecedented control-freakery; and, therefore, that any attempt to diminish or limit the Freedom of the Individual must be resisted.
Secondly, in the case of the Liars and Neocons of the Blogosphere, I believe that allowing them to state openly their beliefs, or, indeed, to perpetrate Falsehoods which they know to be untrue, will, ultimately, work against them. We should not be "frit" of letting them air their views, for it is by these views with which they will, ultimately, be Damned.
Indeed, we should welcome their "contributions" to our blogs; for their own, as we know, are mostly feeble and little-read affairs. Those that once boasted a significant readership, such as Harry's Place, are rapidly losing readers to blogs such as David's own, and before long there will be few people aware of how noxious these people truly are. By allowing them to post comments, we are, I believe, condemning them to Hang on their own Petard.
For these Reasons, I Pledge never to Censor or delete comments on this Blog. Would that Our Governing Masters held such Respect for our Rights as Free-born Englishmen.
Final Last Word on Britain's Best Bog
The Sour Grapes are nothing less than astonishing. Via a Correspondent I Learn that someone has made the quite Ridiculous claim that Neil Clark made no fewer than nineteen! Posts urging readers to vote for him - of course this includes updates to existing Posts, without which the true figure would have been no more than ten or so.
However to see the true Venom and Bitterness of these people one needs only to read the following:
As for writing puff-pieces for your own blog mentioning your own award on the site of a national newspaper - THAT reminds me of university students sending love letters to themselves in the hope of convincing their flatmates that they have a girlfriend.
It's one thing to run a campaign for amusement. But to do it because you are taking yourself seriously and greeting it as a major victory … is on a level with a political "2 blokes and their dog Spot" movement congratulating themselves that they distributed 4 and a half copies of their newspaper outside a political conference.
Anyone doing this stuff will be treated with derision. Rightly.
No, Sir. You will be treated with derision. Rightly.
However to see the true Venom and Bitterness of these people one needs only to read the following:
As for writing puff-pieces for your own blog mentioning your own award on the site of a national newspaper - THAT reminds me of university students sending love letters to themselves in the hope of convincing their flatmates that they have a girlfriend.
It's one thing to run a campaign for amusement. But to do it because you are taking yourself seriously and greeting it as a major victory … is on a level with a political "2 blokes and their dog Spot" movement congratulating themselves that they distributed 4 and a half copies of their newspaper outside a political conference.
Anyone doing this stuff will be treated with derision. Rightly.
No, Sir. You will be treated with derision. Rightly.
Saturday, 17 November 2007
Foulmouthed Neocons
Following Neil Clark's landslide victory in the Best UK Blog award I recently wrote:
I for one will be interested to see how many comments Neil's blog gets in the next few weeks compared to Harry's Place. My Prediction is that former Harry's Place readers will flock to Neil's blog.
I have since received an anonymous comment - the anonymity of which comes as no surprise given that these people's arrogance is equalled only by their cowardice - which says:
They haven't fucking started flocking yet, have they? They still seem to be avoiding that looney tosspot like the fucking plague, don't they, you arsehole.
Well, my foulmouthed friend, I can Promise that they will be flocking soon.
I for one will be interested to see how many comments Neil's blog gets in the next few weeks compared to Harry's Place. My Prediction is that former Harry's Place readers will flock to Neil's blog.
I have since received an anonymous comment - the anonymity of which comes as no surprise given that these people's arrogance is equalled only by their cowardice - which says:
They haven't fucking started flocking yet, have they? They still seem to be avoiding that looney tosspot like the fucking plague, don't they, you arsehole.
Well, my foulmouthed friend, I can Promise that they will be flocking soon.
So Kamm Speaketh
Albeit with Forked Tongue. In a Comment on my previous Post, the Neocon General himself writes this about Neil Clark and David Lindsay:
I have necessarily exposed him to a certain amount of ridicule owing to, among other things, his fraudulent conduct in posting testimonials to himself under female pseudonyms on third-party websites. Thirdly, and most relevant to you as a declared supporter of the British People's Alliance, David Lindsay has been caught out in still worse fakery than Mr Clark. He invented a personality (unusually for a BPA sock puppet, of the male sex) called Martin Miller, who not only posted fierce defences of Mr Lindsay on HP, but also wrote to the editor of Comment is Free urging her to give Lindsay a column. This appears to be a case of Lindsay's fabricating job references - a very serious matter.
Have grapes ever tasted more sour than those in the mouth of Oliver Kamm?
I have necessarily exposed him to a certain amount of ridicule owing to, among other things, his fraudulent conduct in posting testimonials to himself under female pseudonyms on third-party websites. Thirdly, and most relevant to you as a declared supporter of the British People's Alliance, David Lindsay has been caught out in still worse fakery than Mr Clark. He invented a personality (unusually for a BPA sock puppet, of the male sex) called Martin Miller, who not only posted fierce defences of Mr Lindsay on HP, but also wrote to the editor of Comment is Free urging her to give Lindsay a column. This appears to be a case of Lindsay's fabricating job references - a very serious matter.
Have grapes ever tasted more sour than those in the mouth of Oliver Kamm?
One further Post about Comment is Free
You will, I hope, forgive one further Post about Neil Clark's excellent Article on Comment is Free.
I could not help but notice a comment which Stated, in Full:
Christ, what a pathetic and squalid thread, about a pathetic and squalid post written by a pathetic and squalid man. All of the miserably parochial and insignificant squabblers have turned up, squabbling miserably and parochially and pointlessly and, to the observer, looking thoroughly petty and MALE and stupid and frustrated and contemptible.
Let these idiots pollute the internet with their crappy unread blogs if they must. Allowing this SHIT onto the Guardian's website does nothing other than to drag the Guardian down to their shitty level. This CRAP will continue as long as Clark is allowed to foul your pages.
You will, I trust, understand that I do not condone the language used, and am merely quoting, verbatim, the words of the commenter. However, however crudely, he or she has, in my opinion, made what is, indeed, a valid point. These careless whispers from careless men who insist on attacking Neil Clark ARE diminishing the reputation of the Guardian Newspaper. Their ill thought out and pointlessly provocative posts are, indeed, unworthy of that Paper, and their illiberal views a Betrayal of its Values. The sooner such people are Banished from its pages the better.
I could not help but notice a comment which Stated, in Full:
Christ, what a pathetic and squalid thread, about a pathetic and squalid post written by a pathetic and squalid man. All of the miserably parochial and insignificant squabblers have turned up, squabbling miserably and parochially and pointlessly and, to the observer, looking thoroughly petty and MALE and stupid and frustrated and contemptible.
Let these idiots pollute the internet with their crappy unread blogs if they must. Allowing this SHIT onto the Guardian's website does nothing other than to drag the Guardian down to their shitty level. This CRAP will continue as long as Clark is allowed to foul your pages.
You will, I trust, understand that I do not condone the language used, and am merely quoting, verbatim, the words of the commenter. However, however crudely, he or she has, in my opinion, made what is, indeed, a valid point. These careless whispers from careless men who insist on attacking Neil Clark ARE diminishing the reputation of the Guardian Newspaper. Their ill thought out and pointlessly provocative posts are, indeed, unworthy of that Paper, and their illiberal views a Betrayal of its Values. The sooner such people are Banished from its pages the better.
Friday, 16 November 2007
Surprise, Surprise...Not!
Reading through the comments on Neil Clark's Guardian Article - the first, I hope and expect, of many - two points stand firmly out.
The first is the breathtakingly sour reaction of the (in his words) "warmongers, the bully boys and the smear merchants". One commenter is compelled to point out that, out of the four Million bloggers in the UK, Neil received "only" 1,116 votes. Pedants would, no doubt, take great delight in pointing out that (assuming that all of these 1,116 votes were from different people and not the same people voting on a repeated basis AS THE RULES ALLOWED), this represents "only" 0.0279% of the Blogosphere.
SO, and this cannot be emphasised enough, WHAT? HE WON. Is that so difficult to understand? Sadly, it does, indeed, appear to be the case.
Secondly, however, and more interestingly, is the IDENTITY of those commenters so angry at Neil's having won this award. As my previous Post noted, one claims that "voting for Neil Clark's blog became a comedy meme". The Author of this claim is a commenter by the name of "Thermaland". A little digging around, however, reveals that "Thermaland" is also a regular commenter on Harry's Place. Ergo, a Neocon.
Surprise, surprise...Not!
The first is the breathtakingly sour reaction of the (in his words) "warmongers, the bully boys and the smear merchants". One commenter is compelled to point out that, out of the four Million bloggers in the UK, Neil received "only" 1,116 votes. Pedants would, no doubt, take great delight in pointing out that (assuming that all of these 1,116 votes were from different people and not the same people voting on a repeated basis AS THE RULES ALLOWED), this represents "only" 0.0279% of the Blogosphere.
SO, and this cannot be emphasised enough, WHAT? HE WON. Is that so difficult to understand? Sadly, it does, indeed, appear to be the case.
Secondly, however, and more interestingly, is the IDENTITY of those commenters so angry at Neil's having won this award. As my previous Post noted, one claims that "voting for Neil Clark's blog became a comedy meme". The Author of this claim is a commenter by the name of "Thermaland". A little digging around, however, reveals that "Thermaland" is also a regular commenter on Harry's Place. Ergo, a Neocon.
Surprise, surprise...Not!
Excuses, Excuses
In a comment on my previous Post, David Lindsay writes:
Extraordinary, isn't it? They are even saying that he only got it because they organised voting for him as a "comedy meme"!
Well, yes, and, if I may say so, no. No because the Neocons' Arrogance is such that they appear genuinely baffled at having been so resoundingly Defeated.
Therefore all manner of excuses must be invented. The main one is that it was a minor award of no real importance, which only a tiny handful of people voted for. But you could say the same thing about the Booker Prize! The judging panel for that number far less than the ONE THOUSAND people who voted for Neil Clark. So surely on that basis the Neocons should be insisting that Salman Rushdie's 1981 Booker Prize is of no consequence! But no, of course, their Sheer Hypocrisy knows no bounds, so on the rare occasions when one of their Heroes wins an award it must be presented as an Overwhelming Victory.
The next excuse, it seems, is that nobody took it seriously. Try telling that to Neil Clark! Again though, this just shows up their Arrogance; they cannot even imagine the existence of an opposing view to theirs, which as David has Noted is currently Hegemonic, and therefore they have to pretend that such views are somehow a joke or a spoof. How glad I am that we shall soon be seeing that this is, indeed, very far from being the case.
Extraordinary, isn't it? They are even saying that he only got it because they organised voting for him as a "comedy meme"!
Well, yes, and, if I may say so, no. No because the Neocons' Arrogance is such that they appear genuinely baffled at having been so resoundingly Defeated.
Therefore all manner of excuses must be invented. The main one is that it was a minor award of no real importance, which only a tiny handful of people voted for. But you could say the same thing about the Booker Prize! The judging panel for that number far less than the ONE THOUSAND people who voted for Neil Clark. So surely on that basis the Neocons should be insisting that Salman Rushdie's 1981 Booker Prize is of no consequence! But no, of course, their Sheer Hypocrisy knows no bounds, so on the rare occasions when one of their Heroes wins an award it must be presented as an Overwhelming Victory.
The next excuse, it seems, is that nobody took it seriously. Try telling that to Neil Clark! Again though, this just shows up their Arrogance; they cannot even imagine the existence of an opposing view to theirs, which as David has Noted is currently Hegemonic, and therefore they have to pretend that such views are somehow a joke or a spoof. How glad I am that we shall soon be seeing that this is, indeed, very far from being the case.
Why neoconnerie dominates UK blogs, and why the Tide is Turning.
Another excellent Post by Neil Clark, this time on the Guardian's Comment Is Free site, where I trust he will soon become a regular fixture following his Victory in the British Blog Awards - assuming, that is, that the Guardian respects the wishes of the Majority.
Here, Neil writes of the some four Million scribes in the UK who now write blogs, and notes that they (we!) are: overwhelmingly middle class and male, London-based and university educated. An extraordinary percentage of them seem to work, or have worked, in financial services.
Possibly because of the financial services/City background of many British political bloggers, free-market/libertarian dogma predominates.
This, alas, is, in my experience, indeed, the case. One could not state for Certain that all four Million UK bloggers are employed within the confines of the Square Mile, but it does, alas, indeed, appear that a significant number of them are, indeed, so employed. Those of us who Refuse to toe this line are subject to Malicious attacks, Falsehood and Innuendo. Nonetheless as I have previously Noted, the tide is Turning.
As Neil points out, just one such of our number has "won, in a free public vote, the title of "Best UK Blog" in the most prestigious prize in blogging". Predictably, a tide of Sour Grapes has poured forth. One commenter writes that:
Neil Clark's blog is every bit as badly written and unlikeable as this article would suggest. The only reason he won this award is that unlike all the other contestants he went out of his way to do so, informing his small band of supporters that they could vote for him every 24 hours and repeatedly urging them to do so. To see him then crowing about how this supposedly makes him in tune with the general public is as absurd as it is nauseating. He's a crank.
Crowing, indeed! If one of the pro-war blogs had won this Award, we'd never have heard the end of it. As it is, Neil has only written two posts (so far) hailing this (in his words) "enormous and humiliating defeat to the warmongers, the bully boys and the smear merchants", plus the piece on Comment is Free, making three posts in total, plus any I may have missed. It appears that the WMD fiasco has yet to dim the Neocons' penchant for exaggeration.
Here, Neil writes of the some four Million scribes in the UK who now write blogs, and notes that they (we!) are: overwhelmingly middle class and male, London-based and university educated. An extraordinary percentage of them seem to work, or have worked, in financial services.
Possibly because of the financial services/City background of many British political bloggers, free-market/libertarian dogma predominates.
This, alas, is, in my experience, indeed, the case. One could not state for Certain that all four Million UK bloggers are employed within the confines of the Square Mile, but it does, alas, indeed, appear that a significant number of them are, indeed, so employed. Those of us who Refuse to toe this line are subject to Malicious attacks, Falsehood and Innuendo. Nonetheless as I have previously Noted, the tide is Turning.
As Neil points out, just one such of our number has "won, in a free public vote, the title of "Best UK Blog" in the most prestigious prize in blogging". Predictably, a tide of Sour Grapes has poured forth. One commenter writes that:
Neil Clark's blog is every bit as badly written and unlikeable as this article would suggest. The only reason he won this award is that unlike all the other contestants he went out of his way to do so, informing his small band of supporters that they could vote for him every 24 hours and repeatedly urging them to do so. To see him then crowing about how this supposedly makes him in tune with the general public is as absurd as it is nauseating. He's a crank.
Crowing, indeed! If one of the pro-war blogs had won this Award, we'd never have heard the end of it. As it is, Neil has only written two posts (so far) hailing this (in his words) "enormous and humiliating defeat to the warmongers, the bully boys and the smear merchants", plus the piece on Comment is Free, making three posts in total, plus any I may have missed. It appears that the WMD fiasco has yet to dim the Neocons' penchant for exaggeration.
Sunday, 11 November 2007
And Further on Kamm
As I wrote in a comment on David Lindsay's Excellent blog:
Mr Lindsay, I look forward to toasting Kamm's imprisonment - I personally do not drink Alcohol, but I would gladly share an Appletise with you as the Prison Doors slam shut on this evil man.
And I Would.
Mr Lindsay, I look forward to toasting Kamm's imprisonment - I personally do not drink Alcohol, but I would gladly share an Appletise with you as the Prison Doors slam shut on this evil man.
And I Would.
The Pernicious Influence of Oliver Kamm
According to a post on David Lindsay's excellent blog, there are people out there who believe that Neil Clark's Devasating Victory over the Neocons in the UK Blog Awards came about only because the Chief Neocon himself, Oliver Kamm, urged readers of the Pro-War blog Harry's Place to vote for Mr Clark.
If this is indeed the case then it only goes to show the Foul and Pernicious influence that this Kamm character wields over the British People. He must, and will, be Brought Down.
If this is indeed the case then it only goes to show the Foul and Pernicious influence that this Kamm character wields over the British People. He must, and will, be Brought Down.
In Defence of Neil Clark
I apologise to my readers for not having written anything over the weekend, but my presence was required at a number of Social Occasions. On my return I note that a Commenter on Friday's post about Neil Clark's Glorious Victory in the UK Blog Awards has written:
Yes, but from how many people? Especially as he was urging his followers to submit multiple votes right from the start.
Also, he did very poorly indeed in the early stages (this time last weekend he was right at the back of the field) - the real surge started when his candidacy was highlighted on Harry's Place on Monday or thereabouts.
After which a great many people (including me) voted for him multiple times because it would guarantee the most entertaining outcome from an otherwise dreary lineup.
This is typical of the sour grapes I expected from the Neocon fraternity, licking their wounds at such an overwhelming defeat. Yes, Mr Clark urged his followers to submit multiple votes, but as I previously stated this was ENTIRELY WITHIN THE RULES of the competition.
Secondly, Mr Clark may indeed have done very poorly in the early stages of the competition, and his surge may indeed have begun when his candidacy was highlighted on Harry's Place, but surely this itself is Proof that even the readers of Harry's Place know a good blog when they see one! I for one will be interested to see how many comments Neil's blog gets in the next few weeks compared to Harry's Place. My Prediction is that former Harry's Place readers will flock to Neil's blog.
Thirdly, my Neocon Commenter suggests that he voted for Mr Clark "because it would guarantee the most entertaining outcome from an otherwise dreary lineup". Well I cannot speak for Mr Clark, but the last word I would use to describe his Work is "entertaining". If you want that sort of thing, then please read the News of the World. If, however, you are looking for Informed and Critical Comment then read Neil Clark, for I am told he provides just this.
Yes, but from how many people? Especially as he was urging his followers to submit multiple votes right from the start.
Also, he did very poorly indeed in the early stages (this time last weekend he was right at the back of the field) - the real surge started when his candidacy was highlighted on Harry's Place on Monday or thereabouts.
After which a great many people (including me) voted for him multiple times because it would guarantee the most entertaining outcome from an otherwise dreary lineup.
This is typical of the sour grapes I expected from the Neocon fraternity, licking their wounds at such an overwhelming defeat. Yes, Mr Clark urged his followers to submit multiple votes, but as I previously stated this was ENTIRELY WITHIN THE RULES of the competition.
Secondly, Mr Clark may indeed have done very poorly in the early stages of the competition, and his surge may indeed have begun when his candidacy was highlighted on Harry's Place, but surely this itself is Proof that even the readers of Harry's Place know a good blog when they see one! I for one will be interested to see how many comments Neil's blog gets in the next few weeks compared to Harry's Place. My Prediction is that former Harry's Place readers will flock to Neil's blog.
Thirdly, my Neocon Commenter suggests that he voted for Mr Clark "because it would guarantee the most entertaining outcome from an otherwise dreary lineup". Well I cannot speak for Mr Clark, but the last word I would use to describe his Work is "entertaining". If you want that sort of thing, then please read the News of the World. If, however, you are looking for Informed and Critical Comment then read Neil Clark, for I am told he provides just this.
Friday, 9 November 2007
The Failure of the Eustonistas
As an excellent post on David Lindsay's blog states:
If nothing else, (Neil Clark's victory) proves that nobody reads the Eustonite blogs. Despite the fact that Oliver Kamm seems to write practically every comment (not always under his own name) on at least one of them. I mean, wouldn't you have thought that the masses would throng to imbibe such wisdom?
Quite. The likes of "David T" would doubtlessly point to the number of comments each post on their blogs receives. But when you consider that many of these comments are written by the same people, it just goes to show how marginalised these people are. Suppose that a post on Harry's Place (forgive me for not linking to it, but I have a Policy of not linking to Neocon sites) receives 250 comments. At least 200 of those will have been written by the same 15-20 people. Compare this to the well over one THOUSAND votes Neil Clark received in the Weblog Awards, and you can see that the Eustonite blogs are clearly on their last legs.
And rightly so.
If nothing else, (Neil Clark's victory) proves that nobody reads the Eustonite blogs. Despite the fact that Oliver Kamm seems to write practically every comment (not always under his own name) on at least one of them. I mean, wouldn't you have thought that the masses would throng to imbibe such wisdom?
Quite. The likes of "David T" would doubtlessly point to the number of comments each post on their blogs receives. But when you consider that many of these comments are written by the same people, it just goes to show how marginalised these people are. Suppose that a post on Harry's Place (forgive me for not linking to it, but I have a Policy of not linking to Neocon sites) receives 250 comments. At least 200 of those will have been written by the same 15-20 people. Compare this to the well over one THOUSAND votes Neil Clark received in the Weblog Awards, and you can see that the Eustonite blogs are clearly on their last legs.
And rightly so.
The First Victory of Many
In what will in time doubtlessly be seen as a Crucial downturn in the fortunes of the Neocon War Party, the excellent anti-war journalist Neil Clark has won the award of Best UK blog award in the 2007 Weblog Awards "by a very wide margin".
No doubt the Eustonites and Neocons at blogs like Harry's Place will try to claim that this was a result of Mr Clark's urging his Supporters to vote repeatedly every twenty-four hours. What these Neocons fail - or refuse - to understand is that this was ENTIRELY WITHIN THE RULES of the competition. Unlike the US election in which their Hero George Bush Stole the Presidency of the US. The double standards of these people will come as no surprise but still it is breathtaking how hypocritical they are when they lose. Well they had better get used to it.
In the meantime Congratulations to Neil Clark, whose blog is, I am told, the Best in the UK.
No doubt the Eustonites and Neocons at blogs like Harry's Place will try to claim that this was a result of Mr Clark's urging his Supporters to vote repeatedly every twenty-four hours. What these Neocons fail - or refuse - to understand is that this was ENTIRELY WITHIN THE RULES of the competition. Unlike the US election in which their Hero George Bush Stole the Presidency of the US. The double standards of these people will come as no surprise but still it is breathtaking how hypocritical they are when they lose. Well they had better get used to it.
In the meantime Congratulations to Neil Clark, whose blog is, I am told, the Best in the UK.
A grand title for a first posting, you might think. But erroneously so, because this blog will, I believe, be indeed part of the beginning of something that will in time be seen as equally grand - in the true sense of the word - as any of the Great Movements of the Twentieth Century.
It is clear and beyond doubt that Politics in its current form is dying in Britain. The so-called "main parties" are losing support at an unprecedented rate, I believe. Voting is also probably on the decline. In the face of this documented failure it behoves a new Movement, with a new Vision, to inspire and above all to represent the Public. This Movement is the British People's Alliance.
You may not yet have heard of them (of us, if I may say so, although I am not yet a formal member). But you will do. And you read it here first.
It is clear and beyond doubt that Politics in its current form is dying in Britain. The so-called "main parties" are losing support at an unprecedented rate, I believe. Voting is also probably on the decline. In the face of this documented failure it behoves a new Movement, with a new Vision, to inspire and above all to represent the Public. This Movement is the British People's Alliance.
You may not yet have heard of them (of us, if I may say so, although I am not yet a formal member). But you will do. And you read it here first.
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