Wednesday, 21 November 2007

A Declaration on Comment Policy

Following a number of comments on this blog hostile to the Aims and Goals of the British People's Alliance, the excellent David Lindsay has suggested that I moderate Comments. With the Utmost of respect to David, I must respectfully disagree. My reasons are as follows:

I have indeed considered comment moderation, but have decided against it on two grounds: firstly, that we live under a Government - if one can, indeed, dignify this tawdry Junta with that Proper Noun - of Unprecedented control-freakery; and, therefore, that any attempt to diminish or limit the Freedom of the Individual must be resisted.

Secondly, in the case of the Liars and Neocons of the Blogosphere, I believe that allowing them to state openly their beliefs, or, indeed, to perpetrate Falsehoods which they know to be untrue, will, ultimately, work against them. We should not be "frit" of letting them air their views, for it is by these views with which they will, ultimately, be Damned.

Indeed, we should welcome their "contributions" to our blogs; for their own, as we know, are mostly feeble and little-read affairs. Those that once boasted a significant readership, such as Harry's Place, are rapidly losing readers to blogs such as David's own, and before long there will be few people aware of how noxious these people truly are. By allowing them to post comments, we are, I believe, condemning them to Hang on their own Petard.

For these Reasons, I Pledge never to Censor or delete comments on this Blog. Would that Our Governing Masters held such Respect for our Rights as Free-born Englishmen.

1 comment:

David Lindsay said...

You, Peter Hitchens, Neil Clark, Ken Bell (twice) and whoever maintains Christopher Hitchens Watch would all seem to be friends, Patrick, based on your blog roll.

As for Neil as a real journalist, his other friends the Guardian, the Spectator, the First Post, the Australian, the American Conservative, and the Morning Star all seem to think that he is one. Your interlocutor must be confusing him with Oliver Kamm.