Saturday, 17 November 2007

One further Post about Comment is Free

You will, I hope, forgive one further Post about Neil Clark's excellent Article on Comment is Free.

I could not help but notice a comment which Stated, in Full:

Christ, what a pathetic and squalid thread, about a pathetic and squalid post written by a pathetic and squalid man. All of the miserably parochial and insignificant squabblers have turned up, squabbling miserably and parochially and pointlessly and, to the observer, looking thoroughly petty and MALE and stupid and frustrated and contemptible.

Let these idiots pollute the internet with their crappy unread blogs if they must. Allowing this SHIT onto the Guardian's website does nothing other than to drag the Guardian down to their shitty level. This CRAP will continue as long as Clark is allowed to foul your pages.

You will, I trust, understand that I do not condone the language used, and am merely quoting, verbatim, the words of the commenter. However, however crudely, he or she has, in my opinion, made what is, indeed, a valid point. These careless whispers from careless men who insist on attacking Neil Clark ARE diminishing the reputation of the Guardian Newspaper. Their ill thought out and pointlessly provocative posts are, indeed, unworthy of that Paper, and their illiberal views a Betrayal of its Values. The sooner such people are Banished from its pages the better.


Anonymous said...

Mr Dawn, are you proposing that those of us who make reasoned criticisms of the current crop of parliamentary candidates for the British People's Aliance should be banned from contributing to the communications media? That is the implication of what you're saying; in what respect is that any different from the treatment of political dissidents in Nazi Germany? Does your taste for censorship have anything to do with my own exposure of the fraudulent activities of your party's leader ("Martin Miller") and its candidate for Wantage ("Citylightsgirl" or "Greengoddess")?

PM Dawn said...

Mr Kamm, it comes as no surprise Whichsoever that you should decide to attempt to try to make an Attempt to Belittle this blog. Such tactics are, alas, only to be expected from a personage - and I use the word lightly - such as Yourself.

What I am suggesting - as well you know - is that there are personages - and, again, I use the word lightly - such as yourself, if I may say so, whose very Presence constitutes a Disfigurement upon our media. A disfigurement which will in Due Course be Expunged. There is no Expungement towards which I have looked with such relish as this, Mr Kamm.

Anonymous said...

The sooner such people are Banished from its pages the better... A disfigurement which will in Due Course be Expunged.

Mock-17th century language aside, there's a deeply sinister streak running through many of your posts, which suggests that you favour the active suppression of people whose views you disagree with, rather than attempting to defeat them in robust debate.

Of course, I would expect nothing less from a Neil Clark groupie, but do you really not see why people who genuinely support freedom of speech might have a problem with this?