Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Case Closed

Literally within minutes of my post on my Comments Policy I receive this, revealing, response:

What, so we can point out what a fucking bunch of lunatics you, Lindsay and Clark are? Not that I blame you and Lindsay particularly, you're just a pair of green ink nobodies hunched over your keyboards in the small hours pretending you somehow amount to a sodding movement, you bloody fools.

Clark's the real prick though, he thinks that by rigging a meaningless award nobody in their right mind has actually heard of he's somehow become someone of consequence, when he's just a laughing stock whose chance of ever being a real journalist came and went years ago and now his only friend is that wanker Ken Bell. Fuck the lot of you.

These people do, indeed, Condemn themselves with their own Mouths.


Anonymous said...

What do you make of this comment, left on a post below?

I'm not sure if I should be saying this, but given the increasingly widespread interest in Mr Lindsay and BPA, I really feel I must.

Patrick, this is going to come as something of a shock, but I have to tell you that have, in popular internet parlance, been "whooshed". You see, the BPA is, like Mr Lindsay's entire blog, a (very sophisticated) hoax. You have fallen for a long-running - and brilliantly executed - practical joke.

There isn't space to go through all the evidence here. But read over the blog again - particularly the posts relating to the BPA. You'll see.

Again, I'm reluctant to do this, because I appreciate sophisticated japery, but I feel this has gone too far. Sorry Patrick. And very sorry, David.

I must say, it chimes with my own suspicions. I think you've been had by a brilliant hoax. "David" is a comic genius.

David Lindsay said...

They really so seem to care an awful lot about the BPA, and indeed Neil's award. Any idea why?

Anonymous said...

Very funny. Keep it up David!

David Lindsay said...

As an anonymous comment on my blog puts it:

"The one thing they fear most is the re-emergence of the Old Labour Right.

They have convinced everyone that they are the Labour Right "like your parents voted for in the non-swinging provincial Sixties" when in fact they are not even the Labour Left.

They are the anti-Labour Left of the old WRP and IMG and all that, gone home to middle-class suburbia after university and its immediate aftermath. But basically unchanged. And now running the country.

But then you come along. And thank God for that."

Anonymous said...

That's it, David, keep it up. Come on, Patrick - you must see the joke now, surely.

I don't want anyone to get into an embarrassing situation by taking a spoof website seriously.

Anonymous said...

Don't be silly. How can David be a spoof? He's launched his new party - we've seen the details. Though I haven't seen it reproduced anywhere else. And he's going to have candidates in every seat - although I think he's only announced 2, of whom one is him, and the other is reluctant to confirm it. And he's sent out loads of press releases - though none of them have been picked up yet. And he's going to register with the 'creepy' electoral commission - though a quick search of their register shows no mention yet. And the BPA has been mentioned by at least one person (Ron Steel I think it was) in a MORI poll, sohe should be showing up in the samples soon.

All in all, that's surely enough evidence that he's not a spoof. Surely?

Anonymous said...

Mr Dawn - I don't wish to associate myself with the language of the comment you've reproduced, and I'm perfectly certain that the British People's Alliance is a sincere enterprise. But I do wish to stress that it is unwise of you to place faith in the future of that enterprise under its current regime. The amount of press coverage the BPA has received is, so far as I can see, zero. The number of BPA supporters is, so far as I can see, two - Messrs Lindsay and Clark - and one of those is so embarrassed at being associated with the other that he seeks to remove all public reference to his candidature for Wantage.

The party is in addition fatally undermined by two scandals. The candidate for Wantage has been exposed for faking his Wikipedia entry (since deleted) by pretending to be a girl, and lying directly to a Guardian journalist in his purported and comprehensively unsuccessful legal case against me. The party leader has been exposed for the rather more ambitious exercise of faking the party's supporters and also attributing to those fictitious supporters such commendations as the leader hoped would land him commissions for writing political commentary.

It is obvious that the party you support is fatally compromised by these scandals, and that it is in the best interests of all concerned that Messrs Lindsay and Clark stand down from their unelected positions. I propose to seek both the Wantage candidature and the party leadership myself, on a programme of hostility to capital punishment, support for gay rights and reproductive freedom, and opposition to the nuclear deceptions practised by Iran. If you really are a BPA sympathiser, I invite you to support my capaign.

Anonymous said...

I fear Oliver Kamm, too, may have been taken in by a spoof blog.

David Lindsay said...

"The amount of press coverage the BPA has received is, so far as I can see, zero." You'd know these days, Ollie. You'd know. Oh, but you should see my inbox every time I have a go at you. Priceless. If you actually needed the money, I'd advise you to emigrate, although I'm not sure to where.

Of course, this is in stark contrast to Neil Clark of the Guardian, the Spectator, the First Post, the Australian, the American Conservative, and the Morning Star.

As for taking spoofs seriously, would a spoof link to Peter Hitchens, Neil Clark, Ken Bell (twice) and this blog, to name but a few? No, it would not publicise its targets views in their own terms like that. The spoofer (if that is the word) would not be that stupid. Would he?

PM Dawn said...

Dear anonymous, if you believe the BPA to be a spoof, I would be grateful if you could email, providing evidence.

Anonymous said...

No, no, David. Patrick's not a spoof. He's clearly sincere, but clearly a dupe. Stop trying to create a smokescreen. It's you! You're the spoof. You've been found out. The game's up.

(Well done, though. You've given many people great entertainment. Who are you going to satirise next?)

Anonymous said...

PM - just read the blog, with an open mind. It's all the evidence you could ever need.

"David" so perfectly apes both the beliefs and the writing style of a conspiracist loon, spinning complex webs of implausible explanation and self-reinforcing ideology, and generating an absurdly self-aggrandising, doomed political project. Think David Icke crossed with Roderick Spode.

He's better than Craig Brown.

I should add that most, but not all, of his commenters are clearly in on the joke. Again, just read them.

Meanwhile, PM, your sincere praise for someone who is clearly taking the piss out of you is just a little embarrassing. But it all adds to the fun.

David Lindsay said...

Oh, it has "given many people great entertainment", all right...

Though not nearly as much as has been derived from such things as "Elena Zamm" and "her" editing of Oliver Kamm's Wikipedia entry to say that he is a "Times columnist" even though The Times does not list him as such.

Or the tendency of pieces by Neil Clark to multiply upon the given newspaper's receipt of an email (whoever from?) demanding that he be no longer employed.

Or the fact that the usual "Green Goddess" comments on Neil's articles for Comment Is Free are now rapidly deleted, whereas those accusing Kamm of criminal harassment and calling for him to be imprisoned are left alone.

Or, perhaps above all, the spectacle of someone who would devote two years of his life (and counting) to persecuting a journalist merely for writing a critical review of his book.

I should like to put on record my thanks for all this entertainment and much more besides, as well as for all the readers whom you have directed to my blog by linking to it. I hope and trust that this feeling is shared by Neil Clark, by Peter Hitchens, by Ken Bell (twice), and by whoever maintains Christopher Hitchens Watch.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

You see, PM? You see?

PM Dawn said...

Meanwhile, PM, your sincere praise for someone who is clearly taking the piss out of you is just a little embarrassing. But it all adds to the fun.

If you have any evidence of this, which I confidently suspect you do not, then please email me. Otherwise I consider this discussion Closed.