Saturday, 17 November 2007

So Kamm Speaketh

Albeit with Forked Tongue. In a Comment on my previous Post, the Neocon General himself writes this about Neil Clark and David Lindsay:

I have necessarily exposed him to a certain amount of ridicule owing to, among other things, his fraudulent conduct in posting testimonials to himself under female pseudonyms on third-party websites. Thirdly, and most relevant to you as a declared supporter of the British People's Alliance, David Lindsay has been caught out in still worse fakery than Mr Clark. He invented a personality (unusually for a BPA sock puppet, of the male sex) called Martin Miller, who not only posted fierce defences of Mr Lindsay on HP, but also wrote to the editor of Comment is Free urging her to give Lindsay a column. This appears to be a case of Lindsay's fabricating job references - a very serious matter.

Have grapes ever tasted more sour than those in the mouth of Oliver Kamm?


Anonymous said...

You're quite right. It is quite simply unthinkable that anyone could ever use a made-up name to post comments on the internet. I wouldn't do it, David wouldn't do it and you wouldn't do it.

Anonymous said...

So you'll be one of the Hampshire Thrubwhippets then? How are little Socrates and Euripides?

Anonymous said...

Very well, thank you, Herr Von Pinkel. How are Franzi and Wilhelmina?

David Lindsay said...

I wouldn't worry about Kamm. When did you last see him in print? Of course, he doesn't need the money. But he clearly enjoyed the attention. Yet it is no more.

They'll be coming to take him away soon enough, poor love. The thing is, he really does believe his allegations against Neil and me. He's not bad (although he used to be). He's mad. And driven even madder by the knowledge that no one is listening anymore.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry about Kamm. When did you last see him in print?

David makes a very important point. I last saw Kamm in print in the Times last Tuesday. He hasn't been in print now for nearly a whole week. It is quite clear that Kamm's star is on the wane, and that nobody is interested in printing his stuff. Poor love. No wonder he's jealous of Neil Clark, who had a piece on Comment is Free only last Friday. This surely heralds the neocons' final defeat in the great "getting pieces published occasionally" war.