Sunday, 25 November 2007

Kamm dares to Criticise Links

An email from Mr Oliver Kamm suggests that I should beware of linking to The Exile, as a result of this post offering footage of a "sex video" involving a Character by the name of Amy Fisher. No doubt Mr Kamm believes that this somehow constitutes evidence of the Exile's "squalor", "foulness", "loathsome, drooling slavering and sick voyeurism", and his "filthy, ugly, fat repellent perving". No doubt Mr Kamm might believe this.

No doubt he believes that the Exile is an ugly and gross Pornographer, with a grotesque visage, squalid morals and a wholly repellent personality. No doubt he believes this. But is Kamm, really, in any position to Judge? This is a man who links to Christopher Hitchens, to Harry's Place, to Nick Cohen and to Norman Geras. All, without exception, cheerleaders for Neocon Imperialism. In such Circumstances, can he really claim the High Ground? I think not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When are you doing your next stand-up gig, and where?

Even in print you're pure comedy gold, so the live experience must be mindblowing.