Sunday, 25 November 2007

Time to hit Kamm with the full Force of the Law

Neil Clark - the Best British Blogger in Britain - makes an excellent Point in the comments to this Post about the Campaign against him by Mr Oliver Kamm:

The blogger in question has printed a series of untrue and defamatory statements about with with the express purpose of jeopardising my journalistic career...Do you think this is acceptable behaviour, which ought to be simply ignored? Or do you think, as I do, that those responsible for such clear harassment, should face the full legal consequences?

I suggest the Latter, and I look forward to seeing "those responsible" facing "the full legal consequences". To do otherwise, to allow such Harrassment to continue, is, in my, humble, opinion, to admit defeat; to, indeed, admit that such Harrassment is, indeed, somehow justified as "fair comment" or as "facts". Only a swift Prosecution and Conviction of the "blogger in question" will suffice, and I trust that such will, indeed, be forthcoming.


Anonymous said...

As far as I see, these allegations of libel revolve around two postings - the first of which said that Clark's review of Kamm's book was so superficial that he might as well not have read it at all, and the second of which concerns the source for a claim about the alleged SS recruitment activities of Alija Izetbegovic.

The first point clearly qualifies as fair comment (in that it didn't say "Clark did not read the book", it said "This review is so superficial and error-strewn that it wouldn't surprise me if Clark hadn't read the book" - a small but vital distinction), and the second has yet to be answered to anyone's satisfaction. If Kamm is wrong, then it would be the work of a moment to discredit him - yet in nearly two years, and despite many, many opportunities, Clark has failed to do so.

It's a shame Clark's libel action never saw the inside of a courtroom, because unless he has some clinching evidence that he has yet to air on his blog, I suspect he would have lost, and lost badly. And in many ways it's also a shame that Kamm has pretty much definitively ruled out any legal action in kind, since Clark's repeated and increasingly shrill accusations of criminal activity are arguably far more directly defamatory than anything that Kamm ever wrote about him.

Anonymous said...

Neil Clark - the Best British Blogger in Britain

As opposed to the best Martian blogger in Britain?

Anonymous said...

The latest opinion poll in the Independent has "other parties" up four points on 14%. It is perfectly obvious to me that this largely reflects a swing to the British People's Alliance.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the extent of our success merely underlines the urgency of our settling the leadership question. David Lindsay cannot continue to represent us after MartinMillerGate. The candidate for Wantage (soon to be replaced), Neil Clark, cannot either escape GreenGoddessGate. Step down, Mr Lindsay, in your own interests as well as our party's.

Anonymous said...

David Abrahams has been in the news a lot today. He's been described as a notorious fantasist, who lies about his name and is based in the North East. Could his real name be David...Lindsay?

Anonymous said...

So far as I'm aware the shadowy figure in the Labour funding scandal, David Abrahams, uses real people as the intermediaries for his loans. No one could accuse David Lindsay's supporters of being real people, excepting only Neil Clark and me. Clark is too embarrassed by Lindsay to own up to their association, while I'm doing my best to prevail upon Lindsay to stand down now he's been exposed for faking his professional references - so in practice the BPA's supporters come down to Lindsay alone.

It's thus a tad ironic that Lindsay signs off his latest rallying cry "Let's go to work" - because there are, after all, only one of them. I assume from his sudden and unexplained absence from this site, Patrick, that it eventually dawned on him that you are in fact Wardytron from Harry's Place, and that he's been taken in by a deft but not especially heavily-disguised spoof. If he's writing to you to solicit your agreement to stand for the BPA, I have - no disrespect intended - a shrewd suspicion that the BPA may be some way short of its target of running candidates in every seat in the UK. So far there are two, and one of them is discernibly anxious to escape.

Anonymous said...

No, no, Oliver - PM Dawn's not a spoof! David's a spoof!

Get with the picture!

Anonymous said...

But to accept that hypothesis would require me to believe that David Lindsay is a faker.

Anonymous said...

If David is real, he is a faker of professional references. If David is a faker, he is a faker. Either way, then, he is a faker.

I think it's perfectly obvious that he's (quite brilliantly) making the whole thing up. Otherwise, we'd be unable to escape the conclusion that he is a delusional, hubristic, incompetent fool.

(By the way, PM Dawn can't possibly be Wardytron from Harry's Place. Haven't you seen the level of vitriol directed at Harry's Place, and even at Wardytron personally, by this blog? It's simply not possible that Wardytron could write such things.)

Anonymous said...

(By the way, PM Dawn can't possibly be Wardytron from Harry's Place. Haven't you seen the level of vitriol directed at Harry's Place, and even at Wardytron personally, by this blog? It's simply not possible that Wardytron could write such things.)

I'd have thought that that was a dead giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Lindsay is a faker, but Martin Miller is not a skilful fake. Bear in mind that Lindsay posted a comment from Martin Miller on Harry's Place, then signed it with his own name, and then denied that the comment signed "David Lindsay" was written by him. I suspect that the BPA is by contrast a sincere venture - which is why it naturally has my support and good wishes. (I'll stand only in Wantage, though - nowhere else will do.)

Anonymous said...

Bear in mind that Lindsay posted a comment from Martin Miller on Harry's Place, then signed it with his own name, and then denied that the comment signed "David Lindsay" was written by him.

Yes, that's right. As I say, the man's a comic genius.

Anonymous said...

On reflection, it did show a certain flair. Perhaps I've been taken in by Lindsay's act. Might it really be the case that the British People's Alliance, to which I have pledged myself, is a complete joke?