Friday, 9 November 2007

The Failure of the Eustonistas

As an excellent post on David Lindsay's blog states:

If nothing else, (Neil Clark's victory) proves that nobody reads the Eustonite blogs. Despite the fact that Oliver Kamm seems to write practically every comment (not always under his own name) on at least one of them. I mean, wouldn't you have thought that the masses would throng to imbibe such wisdom?

Quite. The likes of "David T" would doubtlessly point to the number of comments each post on their blogs receives. But when you consider that many of these comments are written by the same people, it just goes to show how marginalised these people are. Suppose that a post on Harry's Place (forgive me for not linking to it, but I have a Policy of not linking to Neocon sites) receives 250 comments. At least 200 of those will have been written by the same 15-20 people. Compare this to the well over one THOUSAND votes Neil Clark received in the Weblog Awards, and you can see that the Eustonite blogs are clearly on their last legs.

And rightly so.


Anonymous said...

I have long suspected that most of the comments on Harry's Place are written by the same people under different names, in a pathetic attempt to create the illusion that anyone agrees with them.

This post only confirms this.

Anonymous said...

Compare this to the well over one THOUSAND votes Neil Clark received in the Weblog Awards,

Yes, but from how many people? Especially as he was urging his followers to submit multiple votes right from the start.

Also, he did very poorly indeed in the early stages (this time last weekend he was right at the back of the field) - the real surge started when his candidacy was highlighted on Harry's Place on Monday or thereabouts.

After which a great many people (including me) voted for him multiple times because it would guarantee the most entertaining outcome from an otherwise dreary lineup.