Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Final Last Word on Britain's Best Bog

The Sour Grapes are nothing less than astonishing. Via a Correspondent I Learn that someone has made the quite Ridiculous claim that Neil Clark made no fewer than nineteen! Posts urging readers to vote for him - of course this includes updates to existing Posts, without which the true figure would have been no more than ten or so.

However to see the true Venom and Bitterness of these people one needs only to read the following:

As for writing puff-pieces for your own blog mentioning your own award on the site of a national newspaper - THAT reminds me of university students sending love letters to themselves in the hope of convincing their flatmates that they have a girlfriend.

It's one thing to run a campaign for amusement. But to do it because you are taking yourself seriously and greeting it as a major victory … is on a level with a political "2 blokes and their dog Spot" movement congratulating themselves that they distributed 4 and a half copies of their newspaper outside a political conference.

Anyone doing this stuff will be treated with derision. Rightly.

No, Sir. You will be treated with derision. Rightly.


David Lindsay said...

I think we all can all see who it is who is fading into obscurity, and it is very clearly not Neil Clark. Well-deserved, indeed.

What if Neil did encourage people to vote for him? He didn't compel them to. And I thought that this award was meaningless, anyway? Or have I missed something?

Matt Wardman said...


- Thanks for the link.

OK. I'll make one brief last visit to planet Clark.

>Posts urging readers to vote for him - of course this includes updates to existing Posts, without which the true figure would have been no more than ten or so.

As if 10 would be better than 19. ROFL. I think you are counting angels on a pinhead.

19 separate appeals for votes. Count them.

>However to see the true Venom and Bitterness of these people

I don't give a hoot about who wins "best blog" awards by gaming the process.

I do give a hoot when people use that to make false claims later on, in an attempt to create a platform for themselves.

If Neil Clark - or anybody else - wishes to win a political argument or support base, it should be done honestly.

Personally, I think Mr Clark has put a crooked nail in his own political coffin.