Saturday, 17 November 2007

Foulmouthed Neocons

Following Neil Clark's landslide victory in the Best UK Blog award I recently wrote:

I for one will be interested to see how many comments Neil's blog gets in the next few weeks compared to Harry's Place. My Prediction is that former Harry's Place readers will flock to Neil's blog.

I have since received an anonymous comment - the anonymity of which comes as no surprise given that these people's arrogance is equalled only by their cowardice - which says:

They haven't fucking started flocking yet, have they? They still seem to be avoiding that looney tosspot like the fucking plague, don't they, you arsehole.

Well, my foulmouthed friend, I can Promise that they will be flocking soon.


Anonymous said...

Flocking to laugh maybe.

Anonymous said...

Of course they are flocking. And to David's page too. As soon as David and Neil install hit counters, that will prove it.

Anonymous said...

Oh boris, you neocon. As David so rightly said when he was supposedly outed on Harry's Place for inventing a glove puppet, or some such - if neocons can lie to take us to war in Iraq, then they can change the I-P addresses or stats or whatever is needed to make sure that the technology shows whatever they want it to do. It proves nothing. The only true fact we have is that Neil Clark has the UKs best blog, as proved in an unfalsifiable and representative poll.

Anonymous said...

The problem is, Clark's moderation is so draconian that the chances of his blog becoming the lively melting-pot that is Harry's Place are next to nonexistent.

He claims he only bans comments that are abusive or libellous, but... well, just try posting an entirely polite, genuinely curious question about his involvement with the British People's Alliance and see how far you get!

Credit where it's due, your blog is much better, as it actually allows real-time conversations.

Anonymous said...

So what do you make of this, then?

Anonymous said...

David Lindsay, drawing on his own personal experience of being expelled from student societies and not being invited to parties, posts about Oliver Kamm's "failure to be invited to student parties or let into the University of Oxford's Freemasons' Lodge". David is quite right - Kamm's record is to be ridiculed, and there is no reason why Lindsay's own parallel failures should disallow him from commenting on the matter.

Indeed, being expelled from a student society is much better than being turned down for membership - you can only get expelled if they let you in in the first place. Take that, Kamm!

David Lindsay said...

News to me.

Anonymous said...

How quickly they forget...