Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Lindsay Silenced?

Very worrying Developments on David Lindsay's blog:

David, sorry to post off-topic, but why on earth has your blog been blocked by computers in government departments? I can get it at home, but at work I just get a page that says "this website is not appropriate". I can get other blogs - just not yours. What makes your blog so dangerous? Or inappropriate?

A commenter writes:

The sad truth is that this sort of psyops is increasingly commonplace. What the PNAC crowd try to do is to discredit somebody by suggesting that they are extremists: even though they are the true subversives who have hijacked the US State. They also try to make you appear to be mentally ill, which they do by simulating the symptoms in you, so discredit you.

This is what they did to David Shayler, and remember, he was originally one of them.

The way that they are able to control the computer system is by use of Muslims, who often work in IT companies. They think that they are working for their militant Islamic goals, but they are just being manipulated by well placed people whose allegiance to the CPGB Straight Left faction is as strong as ever.

I have no way of knowing whether all, or, indeed, any, of this, is, indeed, true, but we do know that the Neocons are perfectly capable of all, or, indeed, any, of this. Indeed, I, myself, have experience of such matters, having had comments on the Neocon blog Harry's Place edited, altered and, indeed, deleted altogether. We must remain on our guard, but expect more of this.


Anonymous said...

Be careful Patrick. I have tried to give David as much guidance as I can on a public blog, and I extend the same to you. Suffice it to say that people, employed by the state at our expense, are watching, and reading, and thinking.

David Lindsay said...

Isn't it all hilarious? I had endless problems with my email account after I had a letter published late in 2001 opposing a war againt Afghanistan, until I sent another one setting out the problem. It was never published, but the trouble stopped on the spot. Yes, on the spot.

The original comment to which you refer was a spoof, but the resulting emails from old friends certainly weren't, and nor were the publicly owned computers on which I have actually observed the problem during the last 48 hours. Many a true word spoken in jest, it seems. And I have had problems with Facebook since announcing my travails on my profile.

But all such problems will have ceased today, I bet: that's what heppens if you expose their cack-handed tactics to ridicule instead of scurrying away and hiding. I wonder how many more of us there are? We should have a dinner or something.

Meanwhile, having the time for this sort of thing is a fsacinating insight into just how little these people really have to do. So much for the "plots" allegedly being hatched in our midst all the time to poison London with ricin, or to blow up Manchester United, or what have you.

Clearly, they regard as the real threat those of us who point out that this is all absurd. And of course, from their own point of view, we ARE the real threat.

Anonymous said...

David, I think you're making it too obvious that this is a spoof. You can only go so far with the "Look at me, I'm a delusional paranoid crank" schtick. People will stop believing it.

Patrick still believes it, it seems. But surely even he will start to realise the joke soon.