Friday, 23 November 2007

Many Unhappy Returns

I Note that Harry's Place, the self-styled home of the so-called "Decent Left", is congratulating itself on reaching its fifth birthday. No less a personage than "Harry" himself notes that its "early days were very different times with a genuinely friendly rapport amongst bloggers of varying political allegiances". This may, indeed, have been the case, until you, Sir, led the Stampede into Mesopotamia, at which point all Decent people - as opposed to those, who, scandalously, affect to claim such Mantle - arrived at the conclusion that this rapport was, and, indeed, remains, one rapport too far.

Scarcely believably, he adds, with scarcely believable pride, that "Five years ago it was just me - then Marcus got involved, Gene signed up and later David T and Brownie came online. Later still, Gordon and Brett and Wardytron and Graham began posting". As though such a dubious assembly is somehow worthy of our admiration! David T, for one, is a notorious Islamophobe; Gene, as has been well documented, is an uncritical cheerleader for Israel's Neocon regime; and "Wardytron", worst of all, is a flippant and vapid waste of Bandwidth. Why this oaf is permitted to post on any blog is quite beyond my comprehension.

Nevertheless, one happy conclusion does, indeed, present itself. Namely, that Harry's Place is unlikely to last another five years. Fortunately, there are plenty of other blogs to fill the void vacated by this wholly unpleasant, noxious entity.


Anonymous said...

Do you really mean to imply that Neil Clark is wholly unpleasant or that the Exile is a noxious entity? I mean, it's true in both cases, but I would have thought that you'd be the last person to admit that.

PM Dawn said...

I mean to imply nothing of the sort. I was, and am, merely linking to their Blogs as examples of scribes who, if I may say so, like myself, reflect the views of the population at large, and will, therefore, outlive the Neocon blogs of which Harry's Place is the most egregious example.

Anonymous said...

He also seems to be saying that David Lindsay is a void.

Considering that our friend Patrick is literally the only outspoken supporter of the BPA (Oliver Kamm's pledges of loyalty are somewhat suspect), is this a worrying portent?

PM Dawn said...

Mr Lindsay is nothing of the sort, as any cursory read of his excellent blog will, amply, demonstrate.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me! I am also a firm supporter of the BPA. As I told the nice lady from MORI who rang me the other week. Strangely, she didn't seem to have the BPA as one of the answers to her question as to voting preference, but I explained all about David and she wrote it all down and seemed very happy. So it can only be a matter of time before the BPA starts showing on opinion polls.

And I have read many, many other coments on David's blog from fans. He asks them all to stand for seats, and at least some of them must have accepted, so I say again, it can't be long before the momentum really starts going.

Anonymous said...

Mr Dawn, I have a suspicion that Ron Steel is not a genuine supporter of the BPA. This appears to leave Lindsay, Clark, Martin Miller, you and me. Lindsay and Clark are hobbled by their respective scandals, and Martin Miller is a fictitious creation of Lindsay's (presumably the void you were referring to). That leaves you and me. The outlook is not bright.

Anonymous said...

Little acorns, Oliver, little acorns. Come the next election, who knows what mighty oak might tower over the established parties?

I have rarely been more certain that I am hearing the voice of greatness when I play David Lindsay's blog posts through a text-to-speech converter. He's clearly a shoo-in for the next Prime Minister, with Neil Clark's formidable grasp of economics making him the natural front-runner for Chancellor.

Anonymous said...

Well, Neil Clark is unlikely to be available as Chancellor as he is clearly reluctant to confirm his associaton with the BPA in the first place. Moreover, as I propose to stand for the party in Wantage, Mr Clark will need to find another seat to contest. There are plenty to choose from, as I understand the BPA will fight every constituency in the UK. I'm not clear as yet where it will find the money even to put up the deposits - which will run to £323,000 alone - but the donor will surely receive almost all of the money back and have the satisfaction of having changed political history. My worry is that, now Clark has resiled from his intention to stand, and Lindsay has demonstrated with the "Martin Miller scandal" that he can't withstand the rigours of an election campaign, the only candidate will be me. Will you be standing, Mr Dawn? I'm afraid Wantage is already lined up for me.

Anonymous said...

I realise it's hardly the done thing to harp on and on about one issue, but I must point out again, both to Patrick and Ron (and even, I fear, Mr K) that the BPA is a spoof, as is the entire blog of "David Lindsay" (surely a cover name for a number of writers).

Consider his claims both to be outraged at the lack of respect shown for democracy by neocons, and his delirious fanatasy of a military coup in the UK. Or his ambitions for the BPA, contrasted with a glaring lack of money, candidates or public awareness.

Finally, consider how every post on "his" blog, rather than supporting his supposed ideology, actually just makes it (and "him") look foolish.

Come, come. This is a jape, a sly satire on the sad travesty that is modern political debate. For all "David Lindsay's" critics: who's looking foolish now?

Anonymous said...

I must say, Stanislaus, this is something I've long suspected.

Anonymous said...

I've just come over from Harry's Place, which has been hosting an excellent debate on the Oxford Union affair, with contributions right across the spectrum including one Peter Tatchell.

Presumably Patrick thinks he's "a neocon", by virtue of his association with HP?