Thursday, 29 November 2007

Time to Jail PM Dawn?

It is with much Regret that I regret to announce the Announcement that I will, indeed, unfortunately, no longer be able to write, or, indeed, publish this Blog. "What, pray tell, might be the reason for this remarkable, and, furthermore, if I may say so, highly significant disclosure?", you might be thinking. Or, if you're in a hurry, "Why?"

The reason, I can reveal, is revealed in this post by the Exile. He states that, with his customary, and, indeed, furthermore, characteristic, ability to read, he was aware of my Identity some time ago, but chose not to Unmask PM Dawn because this blog, due, if I may so so, to its Hardhitting, and, dare I say it, again, Hardhitting approach, was providing his own blog with valuable links. And as he says, links are like shags, and he gets very few of either.

But now that the Cat is out of the Bag of Spilled Beans, I must, regrettably, announce with regret that this blog will, from now on, cease, forthwith and from now on, an Announcement which I very much regret. The only question remaining is this: Is it not now not time not to hit PM Dawn with the Full Force of the Law? I fear that it is, indeed not now not.


Ken said...

Never mind - I'm sure that you and Gimlet had a lot of fun.

A pity that you can't keep your gob shut.

Anonymous said...

But Mr Dawn, if you're pulling out of the proffered BPA candidature for Wimbledon on the grounds that you don't exist, and Martin Miller can't stand anywhere because he too doesn't exist, and Neil Clark refuses to sully his reputation for honesty and sense by admitting to being the party's candidate in Wantage, that just leaves David Lindsay and me as standard-bearers for the British People's Alliance. Do you seriously think the public welfare will be unaffected by your treachery?

Ken said...


You don't need to try to be funny. The laughs arrive whenever anyone thinks of short-arsed little you, dressed in a suit, trying to add gravitas to your appearance.

Doesn't fucking work, does it?

Anonymous said...

I'm delighted to see that David Lindsay is still linking to you. A supporter is, after all, whether real or imaginary, a supporter.

David Lindsay said...

I link to anyone who links to me, no matter how obviously a spoof. That you were stupid enough to link to me, to Neil, to Ken (twice), to Peter Hitchens, and to Christopher Hitchens Watch, has only added to the fun.

I have had some VERY interesting and entertaining emails about this blog: Kamm is really, really, really disliked in the MSM. No wonder they never publish him these days.

Anonymous said...

Or, David, as you put it in your comment on this blog here, in response to the claim that :

As for taking spoofs seriously, would a spoof link to Peter Hitchens, Neil Clark, Ken Bell (twice) and this blog, to name but a few? No, it would not publicise its targets views in their own terms like that. The spoofer (if that is the word) would not be that stupid. Would he?

Or indeed, as you put it in a comment on this post, demonstrating beyond doubt that you had seen through what you now call "such an obvious spoof":

Extraordinary, isn't it? They are even saying that he only got it because they organised voting for him as a "comedy meme"!

What is your email address. Please send it to

Anonymous said...

(Sorry, the first line of that last comment should read "in response to the claim that he had been taken in by a spoof blog")

Anonymous said...

I link to anyone who links to me, no matter how obviously a spoof. That you were stupid enough to link to me, to Neil, to Ken (twice), to Peter Hitchens, and to Christopher Hitchens Watch, has only added to the fun.

Oops, David. If you think this blog was so obviously a spoof, why the hell did you email PM Dawn asking if he would like to stand for Parliament for your imaginary party? I was happy not to mention that because I thought it might be a bit below the belt, but since you lied in claiming you knew this blog was a spoof, I'm afraid I had to.

Was it Spiro Agnew who said to Richard Nixon: "If you stop telling lies about me, I'll stop telling the truth about you"?.

David Lindsay said...

It was a joke, dear. And much enjoyed by a number of people, I might add. You clearly have even less of a future as a humourist that this blog had already made clear.

Ken said...

Not that it matters, but I wrote to everyone that I could think of on the 17th November, telling them that you had created a fake site. I also included a link to your pretty gloat with all your pretty friends.

To be honest it was only that gloat that alerted me to the site's existence.

As for me, I don't see the humour in things like this. Then again, I'm not the one trying to save face across the board am I?

How is Afghanistan, Iraq and saving the Harkis coming along, by the way?

David Lindsay said...

Yes, The Exile and I had a good old chuckle on 17th/18th after he revealed PMD's specific identity.

You're really not as clever as you think you are, you know. In fact, you're thick, but educated at necessarily enormous expense, which you think is the same thing as being clever. Kamm/Euston/HP all over, course.

If there'd been grammar schools in your day, then you could just have got on with your little P G Wodehouse lives nowhere near the running of anything, and we'd all have been so much better off.

Anyway, since I'm here, I note that, over on HP, David T is shrieking hysterically that those who were wrong about the defining issue of the next generation and more are not receiving the media coverage that they feel is their due, whereas those who were right (Claire Fox, Neil Clark, Rod Liddle, and others) are ubiquitous. Boo, hoo.

Just how much brass neck does Straight Left need to have to question other people's political roots and past lives? Just how much brass neck does any neocon need to have in order to do so? They should leave that to those of us with no such roots or past lives except in the Labour Party, the Co-operative Party, the Fabian Society, the Christian Socialist Movement, and the mainstream public sector trade unions.

And just how much brass neck do the devotees of Oliver Kamm need to have in order to accuse anyone else of being part of a "personality cult"? Alas, these people really do believe his fantasies about Neil Clark and "Green Goddess", about me and Martin Miller, and so forth. Unlike Kamm himself, they are mad rather than bad.

But, of course, it is Kamm himself - bad, wicked, evil, a sort of Charles Manson figure - who is in fact guilty of pseudonymously editing his own Wikipedia entry in order to claim that he a Times columnist when he isn't, and of a campaign of criminal harassment against Neil for two years and counting just because Neil gave his ridiculous book a richly deserved bad review.

No wonder that Kamm is now pretty much blacklisted by the media, and comments stating these facts are left up on their blogs, whereas those repeating Kamm's lies and his followers' fantasies are rapidly deleted.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

David, it appears as though you have copied a post from your blog and pasted it word for word here. In it, you hilariously describe Oliver Kamm as "bad, wicked, evil, a sort of Charles Manson figure".

This is why I've had to email you asking if you're also a spoof. You must be, surely.

PM Dawn said...

Indeed sir, and yet, if I may so, indeed sir, and, yet, Furthermore, if, indeed, I may say, which, indeed, I believe, if, indeed, I might be, indeed, be, indeed, permitted, if I may say, furthermore, indeed, something or other.

I Believe this Proves my Point.

PM Dawn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'm relieved that PM Dawn turned out to be a spoof, because the alternative explanation was that he was quite severely mentally ill.

And while I have no problems with poking fun at the likes of Neil Clark (a man who achieves a truly sublime balance of buffoonishness and lack of self-awareness), it's less amusing when the target of my joshing really can't help it.

But what of the future of the British People's Alliance, now that its most outspoken supporter has been exposed as a fake? Neil Clark is virtually silent on the subject, and I fear for Ron Steel's bona fides. Or should that be "Ron Steel"?

Anonymous said...

Ron Steel is not real.

And PM Dawn has been quickly deleted from Lindsay's blogroll.

Anonymous said...

So when Lindsay keeps banging on about "we", he must mean him and Oliver Kamm.

Not natural ideological soulmates, I'd have thought, but I suppose Blair and Brown managed to coexist for over a decade.

PM Dawn said...

And Martin Miller, don't forget him. He might use the same computer as David Lindsay, and send emails to Georgina Henry on David's behalf recommending David as Guardian columnist, and calling him "one of the most original and inspiring political commentators in Britain today", but they are not the same person, and have never met.

David Lindsay said...

The Manson comparison resulted in the inundation of my inbox. All I can say is that it is no wonder that Kamm is almost never published any more, if that is what the media, right across the board, think of him.

I have never seen venom like it. Not even in the Labour politics of the North East. Not even in student organisations. Never.

And I repeat that it came from right across the board. I know that he doesn't actually need the money. But neither did Tony Benn or Michael Foot, and neither does Polly Toynbee or Taki. Kamm should emigrate. Seriously. You haven't seen the emails. I have.

Anonymous said...

Believe him. They're all from Martin Miller...

PM Dawn said...

The Manson comparison resulted in the inundation of my inbox.

Do you mean the email I sent you asking whether or not you were real?

Anonymous said...

It's true that David Lindsay has never met me. I'm David Lindsay, after all. I'm a fantasist. Every day on my blog I invent imaginary friends who write to me. There are all those senior Labour MPs who hang on my every word. Seriously. You haven't seen the emails. I have. They can be examined by anyone, but please don't look too closely at the IP address, and if you do then Harry's Place switched it.

Anonymous said...

I'm very curious about this. Literally every time David Lindsay makes a comment to the effect that Oliver Kamm "is almost never published any more", it's within 48 hours of another Kamm piece appearing in a major national newspaper (see today's Guardian for the most recent example - and yes, it is in the print edition too)

Are editors commissioning these pieces specifically to annoy him? Well, they'll be laughing on the other sides of their faces when Lindsay sweeps to power as Britain's next Prime Minister, won't they?

David Lindsay said...

Swearily as ever, The Exile writes:

"Did The Guardian set Gimlet Kamm up to make him look even more bovine than usual? His piece on just how dangerous Iran is came out on the very same day that the Americans finally admitted that Iran isn't building nuclear weapons.

It could have been an error, but it looks to me as if someone nudged someone else and winks were exchanged. The chance to have another laugh at the expense of this short-arsed little fucker must have been too good to pass up.

For many years now the warmongering fraternity have taken themselves so seriously, and we had to take them seriously too, given that they were cheering on war after war. However, those days are now done and it is time to start laughing at the losers.

Maybe that is why The Guardian's sub-editors let this nonsense through?"

Oh, yes.

But based on the extreme negativity of the comments on CiF, I doubt that the Guardian will be bothering with Kamm again. After all, a joke is only funny once.

Anonymous said...

But based on the extreme negativity of the comments on CiF, I doubt that the Guardian will be bothering with Kamm again. After all, a joke is only funny once.

I think you'll find that Neil Clark's notorious 'Keep Those Quislings Out' piece drew a rather more unanimously condemnatory reaction - so much so that comments were switched off after a matter of hours.

And yet he's still allowed to post there.

Then again, some jokes remain hilarious regardless of how often you encounter them.

Anonymous said...

Why was David Lindsay's own comment deleted? I ought to know this, because I'm David Lindsay and I invent imaginary friends just like me to cheer for me, I mean him, I mean David Lindsay.

Ken said...

My blogs'- URLs have now changed to

Change your links. There's a good webmong.

PM Dawn said...

Would it kill you to say "please"? Anyway it's done.

Ken said...

Congratulations - you've made me laugh.

Thank you for the change of URL.